- Future minded earthling
- My founding moment: “I’ll live in the future”
- Profile and personality
- MBTI profile
- Enneagram profile 7,9,3,2
- My Archetype
- Education
- Professional path
- Future thinking lectures
- Live and work in the future’s shock
- User experience and digital product design in a hybrid world
- Disruption and crisis are opportunities
- 4th industrial revolution? Collapse? A blury future
- Experience is the way to go
- More on me
- Follow me links
- Medias citations & appearances
Future minded earthling
Father of 3, husband, passionate, extravert, over thinker, enthusiast, energetic, I like technology, nature and people. My vocation for the future has always been there, as long as I can remember. Understanding where we are heading, and try to understand how to reach the preferable future for a maximum of people is the most interesting thing I can imagine doing.
My founding moment: “I’ll live in the future”
As a kid I was a Sci-Fi fan, fascinated by the future and all it has to promise in term of technological revolutions. My childhood happened in the seventies, at that time year 2000 was our future's horizon.
All our future's conception were warped around techno utopia : space travel, flying cars, computers, lycra suits, food pills...
When I was around 9 years old, I started being able to project myself in time and I realised that I will have 27 years old in the year 2000.
My head started to spin, I was totally stunned by this idea. My adult life would happen in the sci fi fantasied future!
The past 2 decades have been absolutely mind blowing in term of changes, and this is nothing compared to what is ahead of us.
Everyday news are announcing technologies & innovation that were pure science-fiction only few years ago.
AI, robots, 3D printing, Internet of things, bionic, nano & bio techs, the pace of change is absolutely insane.
But this future seems more and more compromised, at least the one I imagined. A bright future is stil possible but hardly without massive changes, and it doesn’t seems it will happen before a shock will modify our mind trajectory and our world’s vision. Environmental crisis has become another important force for shaping the future.
Profile and personality
MBTI profile
Enneagram profile 7,9,3,2
My Archetype
High school : Graphical arts at IATA (Namur, Belgium)
College : Graphical arts at IATA (Namur, Belgium)
University : Communication at IHECS (Brussels, Belgium)
NNg Ux certification
Self learning (see my curation database : https://www.futurimmediat.net)
Professional path
Teacher and speaker at Brussels Solvay School, IHECS Academy, Bruxelles Formation and at the European Communication School.
I teach future thinking, digital transformation and user experience. in several schools and training centers. Active as consultant in the digital sector for more than 25 years.
I created with Laurent Bouty and Steffen Vander Mynsbrugge the co-founder of the The Beyonders Agency and with Thibaut Van Spaandonck Atypicals.studio.
Future thinking lectures
I consider myself as a pragmatic optimist. So are my lectures about future.
Neither guru nor prophet I depict the most realistically possibilities on what is likely to change or emerge in our lives in a near timeframe.
Using numerous sources of information, I take you on an insightful journey through the past and the present to point the likelihood of future events.
Advocates of apocalyptic and utopian visions of the future provide both documented and credible data.
Future can’t be more open.
Exponential calculation applied to socio-economics trends, thoughts of honourable futurists (bestseller’s author Alvin Toffler), Maslow’s pyramid revisited through the lens of consumerism, disruptive economic theories (‘The economy of attention’ of Georg Franck, ‘Doughnut economics’ of Kate Raworth)…
The lecturer explores many facets helping to understand what is shaping and influencing our future.
The result is a mash-up of trends all presented in a synthetic way.
Ask yourself in which one we would rather prefer to live. Additionally, I do provide some toolboxes, patterns and food for thought , that I hope will help you to embrace positively the future.
Live and work in the future’s shock
50 years ago, Alvin Toffler announced the future’s shock. A period where change is so global, fast and impactful, that change itself starts to become the most critical factor.
Today, our world has reached and even overcome the vision described in many science fiction movies and novels. Our world has become so complex that it is impossible to anticipate, and to prepare to major frictions created by disruption (technological or else). What is the future we need to prepare? What are the crisis that we have to be ready for?
Future thinking is a discipline that aims to ease the management of complexity, via a set of methodologies and frameworks, it becomes possible to have critical analysis, opinions, kpis and strategy and tactics to prepare at best for whatever is coming.
User experience and digital product design in a hybrid world
Disruption and crisis are opportunities
After web and social web, here is mobile, internet of things, 3D printing, robots, learning machines and big data, artificial intelligence, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, never before mankind lived several revolutions simultaneously.
This turns to be a huge challenge for companies, but huge and numerous opportunities are equally numerous.
4th industrial revolution? Collapse? A blury future
We live an exciting time where the dawn of the 4th industrial revolution n is at our doorstep. Nothing that we use to take for granted, nothing that we know, hasn't radically changed or will in the coming years. Technology innovations and disruptions are reshaping every sectors of industry.
Experience is the way to go
Companies, to escape the commodity trap needs to provide their customers a flawless experience. Within the attention economy where people have developed outbound marketing and advertising blindness, brands can no longer properly sell anything, instead, they need to help people buy.